



>>你的位置: 首页 > 顺达资讯


发布时间:2023-08-07 13:41:29


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Cancel three days prior to 12pm local time day of scheduled arrival or pay one-night cancellation fee.
A credit card is required at time of booking.
First night of your stay will be charged in case of late cancellation or no-show.
Check-in is 3pm and check-out is 12pm.

", "bookingTerms": [ "是,本人同意 MOHG 的数据隐私条款。" ], "adultsAgeLabel": "13 years or older", "childrenAgeLabel": "Under 13 years old", "datesNotAvailableMessage": "", "datesNotAvailablePhone": "", "id": "10921", "propertyRegion": "中东和非洲", "currency": { "fullName": "United Arab Emirates dirham", "symbol": "?.?", "isoCode": "AED", "enable": true }, "alertEnabled": false, "alertBackgroundColor": "#8E6919", "alertTextColor": "#FFFFFF", "alertLabel": "", "alertLabelButton": "", "alertPanelTitle": "", "alerts": [], "country": "United Arab Emirates", "state": "", "address": "West Corniche Road", "city": "Abu Dhabi", "postalCode": "", "latitude": "24.466667000", "longitude": "54.366669000", "phone": "+971 2 690 8888", "email": "epauh-reservations@mohg.com", "liveChat": "", "checkIn": "15:00", "checkOut": "12:00", "earlyCheckIn": [ "14:00", "13:00", "12:00" ], "lateCheckOut": [ "13:00", "14:00", "15:00", "16:00" ] }, { "path": "/sitecore/content/MOHG/Properties/Bangkok", "propertyName": "曼谷", "fullHotelName": "曼谷文华东方酒店", "destinationName": "曼谷", "shortDescription": "传奇曼谷文华东方酒店坐落在湄南河畔,开门迎客已有超过140年的历史。该酒店是坐落于世界上让人心动的城市的豪华酒店。", "propertyLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/bangkok-hotel-signature-fan", "mobileLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/content/MandarinOriental/MOBKK%20-%20Bangkok/Logos/bangkok-hotel-logo-SVG-mobile.svg", "logoAlt": "曼谷文华东方酒店标志", "propertyImage": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/bangkok-16-hotel-the-authors-wing-dusk-01", "propertyImageAlt": "曼谷文华东方酒店外观和湄南河景观。", "cancelPolicies": "", "welcomeText": "", "mapDirectionUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/Mandarin+Oriental,+Bangkok/@13.723994,100.5136595,262m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x30e298c4c9a7a0b3:0xbb2ce336689cae5!8m2!3d13.7239926!4d100.5142411", "restrictionPolicy": "

\r 国宾客房和套房:需支付1晚房费作为押金。国宾客房和套房需至少提前3天取消,暹罗套房需至少提前7天取消,以免于支付2晚的取消费用。
\r 预订时需要使用信用卡。

", "bookingTerms": [ "是,本人同意 MOHG 的数据隐私条款。" ], "adultsAgeLabel": "13 years or older", "childrenAgeLabel": "Under 13 years old", "datesNotAvailableMessage": "", "datesNotAvailablePhone": "", "id": "510", "propertyRegion": "亚太地区", "currency": { "fullName": "Thai baht", "symbol": "?", "isoCode": "THB", "enable": true }, "alertEnabled": false, "alertBackgroundColor": "#8E6919", "alertTextColor": "#FFFFFF", "alertLabel": "", "alertLabelButton": "", "alertPanelTitle": "Hotel Alerts", "alerts": [], "country": "Thailand", "state": "", "address": "48 Oriental Avenue", "city": "Bangkok", "postalCode": "10500", "latitude": "13.723993000", "longitude": "100.514241000", "phone": "+66 (0) 2 659 9000", "email": "mobkk-reservations@mohg.com", "liveChat": "", "checkIn": "下午3:00", "checkOut": "中午12:00", "earlyCheckIn": [ "下午2:00", "下午1:00", "中午12:00" ], "lateCheckOut": [ "下午1:00", "下午2:00", "下午3:00", "下午4:00" ] }, { "path": "/sitecore/content/MOHG/Properties/Barcelona", "propertyName": "Barcelona", "fullHotelName": "Mandarin Oriental, Barcelona", "destinationName": "Barcelona", "shortDescription": "Located on Passeig de Gràcia, Mandarin Oriental, Barcelona is one of the city's best loved hotels. Enjoying stunning views over our gardens or the modernist landmark Casa Batlló, we offer a wonderful mix of style and five-star luxury.", "propertyLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/barcelona-hotel-signature-fan", "mobileLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/content/MandarinOriental/MOBCN%20-%20Barcelona/Logos/barcelona-hotel-logo-SVG-mobile.svg", "logoAlt": "Mandarin Oriental, Barcelona logo", "propertyImage": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/barcelona-2014-exterior", "propertyImageAlt": "Exterior view of Mandarin Oriental, Barcelona at night.", "cancelPolicies": "", "welcomeText": "", "mapDirectionUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/Mandarin+Oriental,+Barcelona/@41.391178,2.1644813,762m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x12a4a2ed7da630eb:0x47e4bb70c43fdb80!8m2!3d41.391174!4d2.16667", "restrictionPolicy": "No charge for reservations cancelled by 1600 hours local time the day prior to arrival for rooms and 7 days prior for suites.
A credit card is required at time of booking; no charges will be made until check-out.
", "bookingTerms": [ "是,本人同意 MOHG 的数据隐私条款。" ], "adultsAgeLabel": "13 years or older", "childrenAgeLabel": "Under 13 years old", "datesNotAvailableMessage": "", "datesNotAvailablePhone": "", "id": "23895", "propertyRegion": "欧洲", "currency": { "fullName": "Euro", "symbol": "€", "isoCode": "EUR", "enable": true }, "alertEnabled": false, "alertBackgroundColor": "#8E6919", "alertTextColor": "#FFFFFF", "alertLabel": "", "alertLabelButton": "", "alertPanelTitle": "", "alerts": [], "country": "Spain", "state": "", "address": "Passeig de Gràcia, 38-40", "city": "Barcelona", "postalCode": "08007", "latitude": "41.391269000", "longitude": "2.166636800", "phone": "+34 93 151 88 88", "email": "mobcn-reservations@mohg.com", "liveChat": "", "checkIn": "15:00", "checkOut": "12:00", "earlyCheckIn": [ "14:00", "13:00", "12:00" ], "lateCheckOut": [ "13:00", "14:00", "15:00", "16:00" ] }, { "path": "/sitecore/content/MOHG/Properties/BeijingWangfujing", "propertyName": "北京 - 王府井", "fullHotelName": "北京王府井文华东方酒店", "destinationName": "北京", "shortDescription": "北京王府井文华东方酒店坐落于北京市中心黄金商业区,是一间具有活力的高端奢华酒店。", "propertyLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/wangfujing-hotel-signature-fan", "mobileLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/content/MandarinOriental/MOWFJ%20-%20Wangfujing%20BJG/Logos/wanfujing-side-logo.svg", "logoAlt": "北京王府井文华东方酒店标志", "propertyImage": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/wangfujing-hotel-terrace-views-dusk", "propertyImageAlt": "黄昏时分北京王府井文华东方酒店露台景观。", "cancelPolicies": "", "welcomeText": "", "mapDirectionUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/269+Wang+Fu+Jing+Da+Jie,+WangFuJing,+Dongcheng+Qu,+Beijing+Shi,+China,+100006/@39.912164,116.4088853,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x35f052cedb830e97:0x9e32d985d1d53cd0!8m2!3d39.912164!4d116.411074", "restrictionPolicy": "房价另加收16.6% 服务费及现行政府税。
\r 抵达前1天下午6:00前取消客房预订无需支付取消费用;抵达之前3天的下午6:00取消套房预订无需支付取消费用。
\r 宾客在预订时须提供一张有效的信用卡作为担保;办理退房前,酒店不会收取任何费用。
", "bookingTerms": [ "MOHG 将根据其隐私政策处理您的个人数据。您同意该类使用。", "MOHG 将根据其隐私政策将您的个人数据传输至第三方。您同意该类共享。", "MOHG 将根据其隐私政策将您的个人数据传输至中华人民共和国境外的第三方。您同意该类传输。" ], "adultsAgeLabel": "13 years or older", "childrenAgeLabel": "Under 13 years old", "datesNotAvailableMessage": "", "datesNotAvailablePhone": "", "id": "2265", "propertyRegion": "亚太地区", "currency": { "fullName": "Chinese yuan", "symbol": "¥", "isoCode": "CNY", "enable": true }, "alertEnabled": false, "alertBackgroundColor": "#8E6919", "alertTextColor": "#FFFFFF", "alertLabel": "", "alertLabelButton": "", "alertPanelTitle": "Hotel Alerts", "alerts": [], "country": "China", "state": "", "address": "No. 269 Wangfujing Street", "city": "Beijing", "postalCode": "100006", "latitude": "39.912287000", "longitude": "116.411085000", "phone": "+86 (10) 8509 8888", "email": "mowfj-reservations@mohg.com", "liveChat": "https://guests.glowing.io/#/caa6da3c-dc47-4968-82fe-7f3e878bd03c", "checkIn": "下午3:00", "checkOut": "中午12:00", "earlyCheckIn": [ "下午2:00", "下午1:00", "中午12:00" ], "lateCheckOut": [ "下午1:00", "下午2:00", "下午3:00", "下午4:00" ] }, { "path": "/sitecore/content/MOHG/Properties/Bodrum", "propertyName": "Bodrum", "fullHotelName": "Mandarin Oriental, Bodrum", "destinationName": "Bodrum", "shortDescription": "At Mandarin Oriental, Bodrum a most luxurious Mediterranean lifestyle awaits. Experience crystal waters and deep relaxation at this serene retreat in Paradise Bay.", "propertyLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/bodrum-hotel-signature-fan", "mobileLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/content/MandarinOriental/MOBOD%20-%20Bodrum/Logos/bodrum-hotel-logo-SVG-mobile.svg", "logoAlt": "Mandarin Oriental, Bodrum logo", "propertyImage": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/bodrum-hotel-blue-beach-aerial-1", "propertyImageAlt": "Exterior view of Mandarin Oriental, Bodrum.", "cancelPolicies": "", "welcomeText": "", "mapDirectionUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/Mandarin+Oriental,+Bodrum/@37.127846,27.4084331,809m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x14be6fee40000001:0x27ee8a461c82cad1!8m2!3d37.1278417!4d27.4106218", "restrictionPolicy": "Rates are subject to 5% service charge and 8% VAT.
Rates & taxes are quoted in EUR but charged in Turkish Lira.
A credit card is required at time of booking.


Rooms, Suites, Apartments
Cancellation must be made by 6pm local time 14 days prior to arrival to avoid 50% of stay charge as penalty.
14 days prior to arrival, 50% of the reservation value will be charged as non-refundable.


Cancellation must be made by 6pm local time 30 days prior to arrival to avoid 100% of stay charge as penalty.
50% of the reservation value will be charged as non-refundable at the time of booking.
30 days prior to arrival date remaining 50% of the reservation value will be charged as non-refundable.", "bookingTerms": [ "是,本人同意 MOHG 的数据隐私条款。" ], "adultsAgeLabel": "13 years or older", "childrenAgeLabel": "Under 13 years old", "datesNotAvailableMessage": "Date(s) not available. Please call Reservations [[phone]]", "datesNotAvailablePhone": "+902523112888", "id": "61547", "propertyRegion": "欧洲", "currency": { "fullName": "Euro", "symbol": "€", "isoCode": "EUR", "enable": true }, "alertEnabled": false, "alertBackgroundColor": "#8E6919", "alertTextColor": "#FFFFFF", "alertLabel": "", "alertLabelButton": "", "alertPanelTitle": "", "alerts": [], "country": "Turkey", "state": "Mu?la", "address": "G?ltürkbükü Mahallesi 314. Sokak No.10", "city": "Bodrum", "postalCode": "48483", "latitude": "37.126079000", "longitude": "27.410891000", "phone": "+90 252 311 18 88", "email": "mobod-reservations@mohg.com", "liveChat": "", "checkIn": "15:00", "checkOut": "12:00", "earlyCheckIn": [ "14:00", "13:00", "12:00" ], "lateCheckOut": [ "13:00", "14:00", "15:00", "16:00" ] }, { "path": "/sitecore/content/MOHG/Properties/Boston", "propertyName": "波士顿", "fullHotelName": "波士顿文华东方酒店", "destinationName": "波士顿", "shortDescription": "波士顿文华东方酒店曾获“AAA 五星钻石奖”和“福布斯五星大奖”,位于梦幻之地——风景优美的后湾 (Back Bay)。酒店拥有优雅而不失休闲的氛围,集奢华与时尚于一身。", "propertyLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/boston-hotel-signature-fan", "mobileLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/content/MandarinOriental/MOBOS%20-%20Boston/Logos/boston-hotel-logo-SVG-mobile.svg", "logoAlt": "波士顿文华东方酒店标志", "propertyImage": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/boston-renovation-lobby-fireplace-flowers", "propertyImageAlt": "波士顿文华东方酒店大堂壁炉。", "cancelPolicies": "", "welcomeText": "", "mapDirectionUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/Mandarin+Oriental,+Boston/@42.3486417,-71.0821809,19z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xec3fa30f3bef22bb!8m2!3d42.3486675!4d-71.0818215", "restrictionPolicy": "价格不含16.45% 的税(5.7% 的州税、6.5% 的城市税、2.75% 的占用税和1.5% 的旅游附加税)。
\r 最晚于抵达前1天下午6:00取消预订无需支付取消费用。
\r 宾客在预订时须提供一张有效的信用卡作为担保;办理退房前,酒店不会收取任何费用。", "bookingTerms": [ "是,本人同意 MOHG 的数据隐私条款。" ], "adultsAgeLabel": "13 years or older", "childrenAgeLabel": "Under 13 years old", "datesNotAvailableMessage": "", "datesNotAvailablePhone": "", "id": "21547", "propertyRegion": "美洲", "currency": { "fullName": "United States dollar", "symbol": "$", "isoCode": "USD", "enable": true }, "alertEnabled": false, "alertBackgroundColor": "#8E6919", "alertTextColor": "#FFFFFF", "alertLabel": "", "alertLabelButton": "", "alertPanelTitle": "Hotel Alerts", "alerts": [], "country": "USA", "state": "Massachusetts", "address": "776 Boylston Street", "city": "Boston", "postalCode": "02199", "latitude": "42.348800000", "longitude": "-71.081382000", "phone": "+1 (617) 535 8888", "email": "mobos-reservations@mohg.com", "liveChat": "https://guests.glowing.io/#/17d11453-d820-4515-89f5-8801dd7264d2", "checkIn": "下午3:00", "checkOut": "中午12:00", "earlyCheckIn": [ "下午2:00", "下午1:00", "中午12:00" ], "lateCheckOut": [ "下午1:00", "下午2:00", "下午3:00", "下午4:00" ] }, { "path": "/sitecore/content/MOHG/Properties/Canouan", "propertyName": "Canouan", "fullHotelName": "Mandarin Oriental, Canouan", "destinationName": "Canouan", "shortDescription": "Enjoying an exclusive island setting in the idyllic Grenadines archipelago, Mandarin Oriental on Canouan Island is a true Caribbean paradise.", "propertyLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/canouan-hotel-signature-fan", "mobileLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/content/MandarinOriental/MOCAN%20-%20Canouan/Logos/canouan-hotel-logo-mobile-SVG.svg", "logoAlt": "Mandarin Oriental, Canouan logo", "propertyImage": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/canouan-hotel-exterior-aerial-01", "propertyImageAlt": "Aerial view of Mandarin Oriental, Canouan's exterior.", "cancelPolicies": "", "welcomeText": "", "mapDirectionUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/@12.7135608,-61.3236797,16.59z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x8c477d7f7df415d3:0x7432142e4b7cee5f!8m2!3d12.7133899!4d-61.321491", "restrictionPolicy": "Cancel by 1pm 30 days prior to arrival or pay three-nights plus tax as a cancellation fee.
Cancel by 1pm 14 days prior to arrival or forfeit full stay.
A 3-nights deposit including tax is required at the time of reservation.", "bookingTerms": [ "是,本人同意 MOHG 的数据隐私条款。" ], "adultsAgeLabel": "13 years or older", "childrenAgeLabel": "Under 13 years old", "datesNotAvailableMessage": "", "datesNotAvailablePhone": "", "id": "79725", "propertyRegion": "美洲", "currency": { "fullName": "United States dollar", "symbol": "$", "isoCode": "USD", "enable": true }, "alertEnabled": false, "alertBackgroundColor": "#8E6919", "alertTextColor": "#FFFFFF", "alertLabel": "", "alertLabelButton": "", "alertPanelTitle": "", "alerts": [], "country": "San Marino", "state": "", "address": "Carenage Bay", "city": "Canouan Island", "postalCode": "VC0450", "latitude": "12.713405500", "longitude": "-61.322039000", "phone": "+1 (212) 461 8068", "email": "mocan-reservations@mohg.com", "liveChat": "", "checkIn": "15:00", "checkOut": "12:00", "earlyCheckIn": [ "14:00", "13:00", "12:00" ], "lateCheckOut": [ "13:00", "14:00", "15:00", "16:00" ] }, { "path": "/sitecore/content/MOHG/Properties/CostaNavarino", "propertyName": "Costa Navarino", "fullHotelName": "Mandarin Oriental, Costa Navarino", "destinationName": "Costa Navarino", "shortDescription": "Nestled on the southwest coast of the Peloponnese, one of the most unspoiled and breathtaking landscapes in the Mediterranean, this beachfront resort will offer a unique experience of unparalleled Greek beauty along with the legendary service for which the brand is renowned.", "propertyLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/costa-navarino-logo-black", "mobileLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/content/MandarinOriental/MOCNA%20-%20Costa%20Navarino/Logos/costa-navarino-logo-white-svg.svg", "logoAlt": "Mandarin Oriental, Costa Navarino logo", "propertyImage": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/costa-navarino-rendering-hotel-villas-exterior", "propertyImageAlt": "Exterior of the hotel villas at Mandarin Oriental, Costa Navarino.", "cancelPolicies": "", "welcomeText": "", "mapDirectionUrl": "", "restrictionPolicy": "", "bookingTerms": [ "是,本人同意 MOHG 的数据隐私条款。" ], "adultsAgeLabel": "13 years or older", "childrenAgeLabel": "Under 13 years old", "datesNotAvailableMessage": "", "datesNotAvailablePhone": "", "id": "40953", "propertyRegion": "欧洲", "currency": { "fullName": "Euro", "symbol": "€", "isoCode": "EUR", "enable": true }, "alertEnabled": false, "alertBackgroundColor": "#8E6919", "alertTextColor": "#FFFFFF", "alertLabel": "", "alertLabelButton": "", "alertPanelTitle": "", "alerts": [], "country": "Greece", "state": "", "address": "Navarino Bay, Costa Navarino ", "city": "Pylos, Messenia", "postalCode": "24001", "latitude": "36.936098245454836", "longitude": "21.71351569090212", "phone": "+30 211 199 7500", "email": "mocna-info@mohg.com", "liveChat": "", "checkIn": "16:00", "checkOut": "12:00", "earlyCheckIn": null, "lateCheckOut": null }, { "path": "/sitecore/content/MOHG/Properties/Doha", "propertyName": "Doha", "fullHotelName": "Mandarin Oriental, Doha", "destinationName": "Doha", "shortDescription": "Mandarin Oriental, Doha is an intimate and stylish urban retreat located in the heart of Msheireb Downtown Doha, the new lifestyle and cultural hub of the city and Qatar. Blending chic, contemporary design with touches of Qatari heritage, our hotel brings new levels of luxury to Doha. ", "propertyLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/doha-hotel-signature-fan", "mobileLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/content/MandarinOriental/MODOH%20-%20Doha/Logos/doha-hotel-logo-SVG-mobile.svg", "logoAlt": "Mandarin Oriental, Doha logo", "propertyImage": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/doha-hotel-exterior-01-edited-oct", "propertyImageAlt": "Exterior view of Mandarin Oriental, Doha.", "cancelPolicies": "", "welcomeText": "", "mapDirectionUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/25%C2%B017'10.6%22N+51%C2%B031'33.1%22E/@25.2862778,51.5236724,1009m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x0!7e2!8m2!3d25.2862882!4d51.5258611?shorturl=1", "restrictionPolicy": "No charge for room bookings cancelled by 3pm local time the day prior to arrival.
A credit card is required at time of booking; no charges will be made until check out.", "bookingTerms": [ "是,本人同意 MOHG 的数据隐私条款。" ], "adultsAgeLabel": "12 years or older", "childrenAgeLabel": "Under 12 years old", "datesNotAvailableMessage": "", "datesNotAvailablePhone": "", "id": "71855", "propertyRegion": "中东和非洲", "currency": { "fullName": "Qatari riyal", "symbol": "?.?", "isoCode": "QAR", "enable": true }, "alertEnabled": true, "alertBackgroundColor": "#8E6919", "alertTextColor": "#FFFFFF", "alertLabel": "The hotel swimming pool is temporarily closed for emergency repair work until further notice.", "alertLabelButton": "", "alertPanelTitle": "", "alerts": [], "country": "Qatar", "state": "", "address": "Barahat Msheireb Street, Msheireb Downtown Doha", "city": "Doha", "postalCode": "PO Box 23643", "latitude": "25.286095000", "longitude": "51.525879000", "phone": "+974 4008 8888", "email": "modoh-reservations@mohg.com", "liveChat": "https://guests.glowing.io/#/dc77e8fe-2bc0-4438-bc1f-6b77de2ca05b?hotel_name=true", "checkIn": "15:00", "checkOut": "12:00", "earlyCheckIn": [ "14:00", "13:00", "12:00" ], "lateCheckOut": [ "13:00", "14:00", "15:00", "16:00" ] }, { "path": "/sitecore/content/MOHG/Properties/Dubai", "propertyName": "Dubai", "fullHotelName": "Mandarin Oriental Jumeira, Dubai", "destinationName": "Dubai", "shortDescription": "Overlooking both the pristine waters of the Arabian Gulf and Dubai’s glittering skyline, Mandarin Oriental Jumeirah, Dubai is a stunning beachfront resort with an enviable Jumeirah Beach setting.", "propertyLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/dubai-hotel-signature-fan", "mobileLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/content/MandarinOriental/MODUB%20-%20Dubai/Logos/dubai-hotel-logo.svg", "logoAlt": "Mandarin Oriental Jumeira, Dubai logo", "propertyImage": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/dubai-hotel-lobby-04", "propertyImageAlt": "Hotel lobby at Mandarin Oriental Jumeira, Dubai.", "cancelPolicies": "", "welcomeText": "", "mapDirectionUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/Mandarin+Oriental+Jumairah+Beach/", "restrictionPolicy": "Cancel 3 days prior to arrival at 15:00 hours local time to avoid penalty of one night cancellation fee.
A credit card is required at time of booking.", "bookingTerms": [ "是,本人同意 MOHG 的数据隐私条款。" ], "adultsAgeLabel": "12 years old or older", "childrenAgeLabel": "Under 12 years old", "datesNotAvailableMessage": "", "datesNotAvailablePhone": "", "id": "2979", "propertyRegion": "中东和非洲", "currency": { "fullName": "United Arab Emirates dirham", "symbol": "?.?", "isoCode": "AED", "enable": true }, "alertEnabled": false, "alertBackgroundColor": "#8E6919", "alertTextColor": "#FFFFFF", "alertLabel": "", "alertLabelButton": "", "alertPanelTitle": "", "alerts": [], "country": "United Arab Emirates", "state": "", "address": "Jumeirah Beach Road, Jumeira 1, PO Box 62092", "city": "Dubai", "postalCode": "", "latitude": "25.217673000", "longitude": "55.251285000", "phone": "+971 4 777 2222", "email": "modub-reservations@mohg.com", "liveChat": "https://guests.glowing.io/#/0fba48e7-65bf-4949-a36a-62af3e4f98af?hotel_name=true", "checkIn": "15:00", "checkOut": "12:00", "earlyCheckIn": [ "14:00", "13:00", "12:00" ], "lateCheckOut": [ "13:00", "14:00", "15:00", "16:00" ] }, { "path": "/sitecore/content/MOHG/Properties/Geneva", "propertyName": "Geneva", "fullHotelName": "Mandarin Oriental, Geneva", "destinationName": "Geneva", "shortDescription": "With a peaceful setting blending breathtaking mountain backdrops with stunning River Rh?ne vistas, Mandarin Oriental, Geneva is a five-star hotel with classic Swiss charm. ", "propertyLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/geneva-hotel-signature-fan", "mobileLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/content/MandarinOriental/MOGVA%20-%20Geneva/Logos/geneva-hotel-logo-SVG-mobile.svg", "logoAlt": "Mandarin Oriental, Geneva logo", "propertyImage": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/geneva-13-exterior-view", "propertyImageAlt": "Exterior view of Mandarin Oriental, Geneva.", "cancelPolicies": "", "welcomeText": "", "mapDirectionUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/Mandarin+Oriental,+Geneva/@46.2056592,6.1384633,703m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x478c64d7da5c4f53:0xd7c864881c475e30!8m2!3d46.2056555!4d6.140652", "restrictionPolicy": "Rate inclusive of VAT and service.
Rates are subject to CHF 3.75 city tax per night per person.
No charge for bookings cancelled before 12pm, one day prior arrival. Cancellations made after this time will be charged a one-night cancellation fee.
A fee of CHF 350 is charged for smoking in the guest room.
A credit card is required at time of booking.", "bookingTerms": [ "是,本人同意 MOHG 的数据隐私条款。" ], "adultsAgeLabel": "13 years or older", "childrenAgeLabel": "Under 13 years old", "datesNotAvailableMessage": "", "datesNotAvailablePhone": "", "id": "523", "propertyRegion": "欧洲", "currency": { "fullName": "Swiss franc", "symbol": "", "isoCode": "CHF", "enable": true }, "alertEnabled": false, "alertBackgroundColor": "#8E6919", "alertTextColor": "#FFFFFF", "alertLabel": "", "alertLabelButton": "", "alertPanelTitle": "", "alerts": [], "country": "Switzerland", "state": "", "address": "Quai Turrettini 1", "city": "Geneva", "postalCode": "1201", "latitude": "46.205569000", "longitude": "6.140932000", "phone": "+41 (22) 909 00 00", "email": "mogva-reservations@mohg.com", "liveChat": "", "checkIn": "15:00", "checkOut": "12:00", "earlyCheckIn": [ "14:00", "13:00", "12:00" ], "lateCheckOut": [ "13:00", "14:00", "15:00", "16:00" ] }, { "path": "/sitecore/content/MOHG/Properties/Guangzhou", "propertyName": "广州", "fullHotelName": "广州文华东方酒店", "destinationName": "广州", "shortDescription": "广州文华东方酒店处于广州不断发展变迁的前沿,融合现代奢华与别具一格的典雅风情。酒店地理位置得天独厚,提供宽敞的住宿空间。", "propertyLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/guangzhou-hotel-signature-fan", "mobileLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/content/MandarinOriental/MOGZH%20-%20Guangzhou/Logos/guangzhou-hotel-logo-SVG-mobile.svg", "logoAlt": "广州文华东方酒店标志", "propertyImage": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/guangzhou-exterior-dusk-alternate", "propertyImageAlt": "黄昏时分广州文华东方酒店外部景观。", "cancelPolicies": "", "welcomeText": "", "mapDirectionUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/Mandarin+Oriental,+Guangzhou/@23.1348539,113.3314173,934m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x3402ff1f85a95495:0x96901af658e9ec12!8m2!3d23.134849!4d113.333606", "restrictionPolicy": "房价另加收16.6% 服务费及税金。
\r 可在预订抵达日期前1天的下午4:00前免费取消预订。在此时间之后取消预订,将收取一晚的取消费用。
\r 特定的取消政策可能适用。
\r 宾客在预订时须提供一张有效的信用卡作为担保;办理退房前,酒店不会收取任何费用。", "bookingTerms": [ "MOHG 将根据其隐私政策处理您的个人数据。您同意该类使用。", "MOHG 将根据其隐私政策将您的个人数据传输至第三方。您同意该类共享。", "MOHG 将根据其隐私政策将您的个人数据传输至中华人民共和国境外的第三方。您同意该类传输。" ], "adultsAgeLabel": "13 years or older", "childrenAgeLabel": "Under 13 years old", "datesNotAvailableMessage": "", "datesNotAvailablePhone": "", "id": "56732", "propertyRegion": "亚太地区", "currency": { "fullName": "Chinese yuan", "symbol": "¥", "isoCode": "CNY", "enable": true }, "alertEnabled": false, "alertBackgroundColor": "#8E6919", "alertTextColor": "#FFFFFF", "alertLabel": "", "alertLabelButton": "", "alertPanelTitle": "Hotel Alerts", "alerts": [], "country": "China", "state": "", "address": "389 Tianhe Road, Tianhe District", "city": "Guangzhou", "postalCode": "", "latitude": "23.134865000", "longitude": "113.333205000", "phone": "+86 20 3808 8888", "email": "mogzh-reservations@mohg.com", "liveChat": "", "checkIn": "下午3:00", "checkOut": "中午12:00", "earlyCheckIn": [ "下午2:00", "下午1:00", "中午12:00" ], "lateCheckOut": [ "下午1:00", "下午2:00", "下午3:00", "下午4:00" ] }, { "path": "/sitecore/content/MOHG/Properties/HongKongMandarinOriental", "propertyName": "香港 – 文华东方", "fullHotelName": "香港文华东方酒店", "destinationName": "香港", "shortDescription": "香港文华东方酒店是文华东方酒店集团的首家旗舰酒店,亦是这个城市的传奇标志之一。酒店坐享城中心脏地带及尊贵设施,我们以时尚设计、优越服务及融合奢华、舒适和个性于一身的酒店风格而闻名。", "propertyLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/hong-kong-hotel-signature-fan", "mobileLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/content/MandarinOriental/MOHKG%20-%20Hong%20Kong/Logos/hong-kong-hotel-logo-SVG-mobile.svg", "logoAlt": "香港文华东方酒店标志", "propertyImage": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/hong-kong-13-exterior-view", "propertyImageAlt": "傍晚时分的香港文华东方酒店外观景观。", "cancelPolicies": "", "welcomeText": "", "mapDirectionUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/Mandarin+Oriental,+Hong+Kong/@22.281924,114.1572868,939m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x3404006465228fb9:0x714d79b4857054f3!8m2!3d22.2819191!4d114.1594755", "restrictionPolicy": "价格不包含10% 的服务费。
\r 最晚于抵达前1天下午4:00取消预订无需支付取消费用。
\r 特殊政策可能适用。
\r 请参阅房价说明。
\r 预订时需要使用信用卡作担保。", "bookingTerms": [ "是,本人同意 MOHG 的数据隐私条款。" ], "adultsAgeLabel": "12 years or older", "childrenAgeLabel": "Under 12 years old", "datesNotAvailableMessage": "", "datesNotAvailablePhone": "", "id": "514", "propertyRegion": "亚太地区", "currency": { "fullName": "Hong Kong dollar", "symbol": "$", "isoCode": "HKD", "enable": true }, "alertEnabled": false, "alertBackgroundColor": "#8E6919", "alertTextColor": "#FFFFFF", "alertLabel": "", "alertLabelButton": "", "alertPanelTitle": "Hotel Alerts", "alerts": [], "country": "", "state": "", "address": "5 Connaught Road Central", "city": "Hong Kong", "postalCode": "", "latitude": "22.282098000", "longitude": "114.159551000", "phone": "+852 2522 0111", "email": "mohkg-reservations@mohg.com", "liveChat": "https://guests.glowing.io/#/a0f40d14-16c7-44f5-b00b-7025599530fa", "checkIn": "下午3:00", "checkOut": "中午12:00", "earlyCheckIn": [ "下午2:00", "下午1:00", "中午12:00" ], "lateCheckOut": [ "下午1:00", "下午2:00", "下午3:00", "下午4:00" ] }, { "path": "/sitecore/content/MOHG/Properties/HongKongTheLandmark", "propertyName": "香港 - 置地文华东方酒店", "fullHotelName": "香港置地文华东方酒店", "destinationName": "香港", "shortDescription": "作为全球颇具特色的奢华酒店之一,香港置地文华东方酒店是当代设计的杰作。我们在香港商业和时尚街区的中心地段打造出时尚的奢华休闲圣地。", "propertyLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/landmark-hotel-signature-fan", "mobileLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/content/MandarinOriental/LMHKG%20-%20Landmark/Logos/landmark-hotel-logo-SVG-mobile.svg", "logoAlt": "香港置地文华东方酒店标志", "propertyImage": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/landmark-2017-hotel-location-01", "propertyImageAlt": "香港置地文华东方酒店外部景观。", "cancelPolicies": "", "welcomeText": "", "mapDirectionUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/The+Landmark,+Mandarin+Oriental/@22.2805549,114.1557163,939m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x34040064e48e8171:0x1372658e4880ce69!8m2!3d22.28055!4d114.157905", "restrictionPolicy": "", "bookingTerms": [ "是,本人同意 MOHG 的数据隐私条款。" ], "adultsAgeLabel": "13 years or older", "childrenAgeLabel": "Under 13 years old", "datesNotAvailableMessage": "", "datesNotAvailablePhone": "", "id": "556", "propertyRegion": "亚太地区", "currency": { "fullName": "Hong Kong dollar", "symbol": "$", "isoCode": "HKD", "enable": true }, "alertEnabled": false, "alertBackgroundColor": "#8E6919", "alertTextColor": "#FFFFFF", "alertLabel": "", "alertLabelButton": "", "alertPanelTitle": "Hotel Alerts", "alerts": [], "country": "", "state": "", "address": "The Landmark, 15 Queen’s Road Central", "city": "Hong Kong", "postalCode": "", "latitude": "22.280541000", "longitude": "114.158005000", "phone": "+852 2132 0188", "email": "lmhkg-reservations@mohg.com", "liveChat": "https://guests.glowing.io/#/31f9071b-a396-45b1-b654-d5ccace8cdb6", "checkIn": "下午3:00", "checkOut": "中午12:00", "earlyCheckIn": [ "下午2:00", "下午1:00", "中午12:00" ], "lateCheckOut": [ "下午1:00", "下午2:00", "下午3:00", "下午4:00" ] }, { "path": "/sitecore/content/MOHG/Properties/Istanbul", "propertyName": "Istanbul", "fullHotelName": "Mandarin Oriental Bosphorus, Istanbul", "destinationName": "Istanbul", "shortDescription": "Positioned along the glimmering shoreline where East and West collide, Mandarin Oriental Bosphorus, Istanbul captures the magic of the world's pan-continental city. Spectacular service, contemporary design and natural beauty define a new destination for locals and visitors alike.", "propertyLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/istanbul-hotel-signature-fan", "mobileLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/content/MandarinOriental/MOIST%20-%20Istanbul/Logos/bosphorus-side-logo.svg", "logoAlt": "Mandarin Oriental Bosphorus, Istanbul logo", "propertyImage": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/istanbul-exterior-01-v3", "propertyImageAlt": "Exterior view of Mandarin Oriental Bosphorus, Istanbul.", "cancelPolicies": "", "welcomeText": "", "mapDirectionUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/Mandarin+Oriental/@41.0570233,29.033433,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m8!3m7!1s0x14cab79d7f133593:0xb9182e0040343f01!5m2!4m1!1i2!8m2!3d41.0570329!4d29.035436", "restrictionPolicy": "Cancellations or modifications should be made at least 120 hours prior to the scheduled arrival date to avoid a one-night cancellation fee for rooms, Junior, and One Bedroom Suite.
Specialty Suites require 50% of total amount upon booking and full amount is non-refundable.
In case of any no show or early departure the total amount will be charged for your entire scheduled stay.", "bookingTerms": [ "是,本人同意 MOHG 的数据隐私条款。" ], "adultsAgeLabel": "13 years or older", "childrenAgeLabel": "Under 13 years old", "datesNotAvailableMessage": "", "datesNotAvailablePhone": "", "id": "31761", "propertyRegion": "欧洲", "currency": { "fullName": "Euro", "symbol": "€", "isoCode": "EUR", "enable": true }, "alertEnabled": false, "alertBackgroundColor": "#8E6919", "alertTextColor": "#FFFFFF", "alertLabel": "", "alertLabelButton": "", "alertPanelTitle": "", "alerts": [], "country": "Turkey", "state": "", "address": "Kuru?e?me, Muallim Naci Caddesi. No:62, 34345 Be?ikta?, ?stanbul", "city": "Istanbul", "postalCode": "34345", "latitude": "41.057261983", "longitude": "29.035396393", "phone": "+90 212 349 8888", "email": "moist-reservations@mohg.com", "liveChat": "", "checkIn": "15:00", "checkOut": "12:00", "earlyCheckIn": [ "14:00", "13:00", "12:00" ], "lateCheckOut": [ "13:00", "14:00", "15:00", "16:00" ] }, { "path": "/sitecore/content/MOHG/Properties/Jakarta", "propertyName": "Jakarta", "fullHotelName": "Mandarin Oriental, Jakarta", "destinationName": "Jakarta", "shortDescription": "Conveniently located in the financial and diplomatic district, with stunning rooms and fantastic facilities, Mandarin Oriental, Jakarta brings five-star luxury to Indonesia’s capital city.", "propertyLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/jakarta-hotel-signature-fan", "mobileLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/content/MandarinOriental/MOJKT%20-%20Jakarta/Logos/jakarta-hotel-logo-SVG-mobile.svg", "logoAlt": "Mandarin Oriental, Jakarta logo", "propertyImage": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/jakarta-exterior-view-night-02", "propertyImageAlt": "Exterior view of Mandarin Oriental, Jakarta.", "cancelPolicies": "", "welcomeText": "", "mapDirectionUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/Mandarin+Oriental,+Jakarta/@-6.1960578,106.8214993,1009m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x2e69f421f44afe2f:0x6af3b8e40e924d17!8m2!3d-6.1960631!4d106.823688", "restrictionPolicy": "Non-refundable for cancellation or modification.
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\r 需要预付全额费用。不得退款和修改。
\r 预订时需要使用信用卡。
\r 如果在预订后48小时内未能成功付款,酒店将保留取消预订的权利。", "bookingTerms": [ "是,本人同意 MOHG 的数据隐私条款。" ], "adultsAgeLabel": "13 years or older", "childrenAgeLabel": "Under 13 years old", "datesNotAvailableMessage": "", "datesNotAvailablePhone": "", "id": "516", "propertyRegion": "亚太地区", "currency": { "fullName": "Malaysian ringgit", "symbol": "RM", "isoCode": "MYR", "enable": true }, "alertEnabled": false, "alertBackgroundColor": "#8E6919", "alertTextColor": "#FFFFFF", "alertLabel": "", "alertLabelButton": "", "alertPanelTitle": "Hotel Alerts", "alerts": [], "country": "Malaysia", "state": "", "address": "Kuala Lumpur City Centre", "city": "Kuala Lumpur", "postalCode": "50088", "latitude": "3.155781000", "longitude": "101.711842900", "phone": "+60 (3) 2380 8888", "email": "mokul-reservations@mohg.com", "liveChat": "", "checkIn": "下午3:00", "checkOut": "中午12:00", "earlyCheckIn": [ "下午2:00", "下午1:00", "中午12:00" ], "lateCheckOut": [ "下午1:00", "下午2:00", "下午3:00", "下午4:00" ] }, { "path": "/sitecore/content/MOHG/Properties/LakeComo", "propertyName": "Lake Como", "fullHotelName": "Mandarin Oriental, Lago di Como", "destinationName": "Lake Como", "shortDescription": "", "propertyLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/lake-como-hotel-signature-fan", "mobileLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/content/MandarinOriental/MOCMO%20-%20Lake%20Como/Logos/lake-como-hotel-logo-SVG-mobile.svg", "logoAlt": "Mandarin Oriental, Lago di Como logo", "propertyImage": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/lake-como-hotel-exterior-02", "propertyImageAlt": "Exterior view of Mandarin Oriental, Lago di Como.", "cancelPolicies": "", "welcomeText": "", "mapDirectionUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/Via+Enrico+Caronti,+69,+22020+Blevio+CO,+Italy/@45.8482107,9.1077693,17z/data=!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x4784275832935bbf:0xaf9a5185fd8b309d!2sVia+Enrico+Caronti,+69,+22020+Blevio+CO,+Italy!3b1!8m2!3d45.8482665!4d9.107552!3m4!1s0x4784275832935bbf:0xaf9a5185fd8b309d!8m2!3d45.8482665!4d9.107552", "restrictionPolicy": "Cancellations must be made by 1400 hours local time 15 days prior to arrival date to avoid 100% of the total booking.
A credit card is required at time of booking; the total room amount will be preauthorized at the expiration of the cancellation policy.", "bookingTerms": [ "是,本人同意 MOHG 的数据隐私条款。" ], "adultsAgeLabel": "13 years or older", "childrenAgeLabel": "Under 13 years old", "datesNotAvailableMessage": "", "datesNotAvailablePhone": "", "id": "5078", "propertyRegion": "欧洲", "currency": { "fullName": "Euro", "symbol": "€", "isoCode": "EUR", "enable": true }, "alertEnabled": false, "alertBackgroundColor": "#8E6919", "alertTextColor": "#FFFFFF", "alertLabel": "", "alertLabelButton": "", "alertPanelTitle": "", "alerts": [], "country": "Italy", "state": "", "address": "Via Caronti, 69", "city": "Lake Como", "postalCode": "22020", "latitude": "45.843283000", "longitude": "9.105049000", "phone": "+39 031 32 511", "email": "mocmo-reservations@mohg.com", "liveChat": "https://guests.glowing.io/#/bf276239-e864-4191-ab56-e953d504711f", "checkIn": "16:00", "checkOut": "12:00", "earlyCheckIn": [ "14:00", "13:00", "12:00" ], "lateCheckOut": [ "13:00", "14:00", "15:00", "16:00" ] }, { "path": "/sitecore/content/MOHG/Properties/London", "propertyName": "London – Hyde Park", "fullHotelName": "Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park, London", "destinationName": "London", "shortDescription": "One of London's most celebrated five-star hotels, Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park exudes an enticing mix of elegance and luxury. With world-famous restaurants and a stunning spa, we offer a fashionable and timeless base in the centre of the British capital.", "propertyLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/london-hotel-signature-fan", "mobileLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/content/MandarinOriental/MOLON%20-%20London/Logos/london-hotel-logo-SVG-mobile.svg", "logoAlt": "Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park, London logo", "propertyImage": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/london-2017-exterior-facade-dusk", "propertyImageAlt": "Exterior view of Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park, London.", "cancelPolicies": "", "welcomeText": "", "mapDirectionUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/Mandarin+Oriental+Hyde+Park,+London/@51.5021353,-0.1621825,632m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x48760539981c821b:0x23f97212261f86dc!8m2!3d51.502132!4d-0.1599938", "restrictionPolicy": "Rate is inclusive of VAT at the prevailing rate and subject to 5% discretionary service charge.
Cancellations must be made by 1400 hours one day prior to arrival date for rooms or 3 days prior for suites to avoid one night’s cancellation fee.
A credit card is required at time of booking; no charges will be made until check-out.", "bookingTerms": [ "是,本人同意 MOHG 的数据隐私条款。" ], "adultsAgeLabel": "13 years or older", "childrenAgeLabel": "Under 13 years old", "datesNotAvailableMessage": "", "datesNotAvailablePhone": "", "id": "508", "propertyRegion": "欧洲", "currency": { "fullName": "Pound sterling", "symbol": "£", "isoCode": "GBP", "enable": true }, "alertEnabled": false, "alertBackgroundColor": "#8E6919", "alertTextColor": "#FFFFFF", "alertLabel": "", "alertLabelButton": "", "alertPanelTitle": "", "alerts": [], "country": "UK", "state": "", "address": "66 Knightsbridge", "city": "London", "postalCode": "SW1X 7LA", "latitude": "51.502083000", "longitude": "-0.159996000", "phone": "+44 (0)20 7235 2000", "email": "molon-info@mohg.com", "liveChat": "https://guests.glowing.io/#/cb1be95a-b6ff-4e77-84c8-275f09e95465", "checkIn": "15:00", "checkOut": "12:00", "earlyCheckIn": [ "14:00", "13:00", "12:00" ], "lateCheckOut": [ "13:00", "14:00", "15:00", "16:00" ] }, { "path": "/sitecore/content/MOHG/Properties/Luzern", "propertyName": "Luzern", "fullHotelName": "Mandarin Oriental Palace, Luzern", "destinationName": "Luzern", "shortDescription": "Ideally located on Lake Lucerne and showcasing breathtaking views over the Swiss Alps, Mandarin Oriental Palace, Luzern embodies true serenity and a refined sense of contemporary luxury, featuring 136 guest rooms, including 48 beautifully appointed suites.", "propertyLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/luzern-hotel-fan-hires", "mobileLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/luzern-side-white-logo-png", "logoAlt": "Mandarin Oriental Palace, Luzern logo", "propertyImage": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/luzern-presidential-suite-livingroom", "propertyImageAlt": "Presidential Suite living room at Mandarin Oriental, Luzern.", "cancelPolicies": "", "welcomeText": "", "mapDirectionUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/Hotel+Palace+Luzern/@47.0552349,-27.5396192,3z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x478ffb916d973cfb:0xcd38b97b38c0382f!8m2!3d47.0552349!4d8.3197558!15sCittYW5kYXJpbiBvcmllbnRhbCBsdXplcm4gbG9uZ2l0dWRlIGxhdGl0dWRlIgOIAQFaLSIrbWFuZGFyaW4gb3JpZW50YWwgbHV6ZXJuIGxvbmdpdHVkZSBsYXRpdHVkZZIBBWhvdGVs?shorturl=1", "restrictionPolicy": "Rates are subject to CHF 4.4 city tax per adult per night.
Cancellation policy is 1 day for rooms and 3 days for suites, by 3pm local time, prior to arrival to avoid a charge of one night.
All reservations must be guaranteed with deposit at time of booking.
Deposit is not required unless otherwise stated in the rate description.
Mandarin Oriental Palace Luzern reserves the right to take an authorization on the credit card provided at booking to guarantee the reservation.", "bookingTerms": [ "是,本人同意 MOHG 的数据隐私条款。" ], "adultsAgeLabel": "13 years or older", "childrenAgeLabel": "Under 13 years old", "datesNotAvailableMessage": "", "datesNotAvailablePhone": "", "id": "38385", "propertyRegion": "欧洲", "currency": { "fullName": "Swiss franc", "symbol": "", "isoCode": "CHF", "enable": true }, "alertEnabled": false, "alertBackgroundColor": "#8E6919", "alertTextColor": "#FFFFFF", "alertLabel": "", "alertLabelButton": "", "alertPanelTitle": "", "alerts": [], "country": "Switzerland", "state": "", "address": "Haldenstrasse 10", "city": "Lucerne", "postalCode": "6002", "latitude": "47.055200000", "longitude": "8.319800000", "phone": "+41 41 588 1888", "email": "molzn-info@mohg.com", "liveChat": "", "checkIn": "15:00", "checkOut": "12:00", "earlyCheckIn": [ "14:00", "13:00", "12:00" ], "lateCheckOut": [ "13:00", "14:00", "15:00", "16:00" ] }, { "path": "/sitecore/content/MOHG/Properties/Macau", "propertyName": "澳门特别行政区", "fullHotelName": "澳门文华东方酒店", "destinationName": "澳门特别行政区", "shortDescription": "澳门文华东方酒店典雅豪华,是澳门颇具特色的福布斯五星级酒店。我们坐拥海滨优美的环境、卓越的餐厅和传奇式服务,为您呈现出典雅的气质和出众独特的奢华。", "propertyLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/macau-hotel-signature-fan", "mobileLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/content/MandarinOriental/MOMAC%20-%20Macau/Logos/macau-hotel-logo-SVG-mobile.svg", "logoAlt": "澳门文华东方酒店标志", "propertyImage": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/macau-exterior-view-night-01", "propertyImageAlt": "傍晚时分的澳门文华东方酒店外部景观。", "cancelPolicies": "", "welcomeText": "", "mapDirectionUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/Mandarin+Oriental,+Macau/@22.1846103,113.5448084,940m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x34017aea57a182cf:0xe3a50d9c8b80a7a2!8m2!3d22.1846053!4d113.5469971", "restrictionPolicy": "房价均须另收5% 税金及10% 服务费。
\r 根据澳门政府规定,在2022年8月1日至12月31日期间入住可免交5% 的旅游税。
\r 最晚于抵达前14天的下午6:00取消预订无需支付取消费用。
\r 宾客在预订时须提供一张有效的信用卡作为担保;办理退房前,酒店不会收取任何费用。", "bookingTerms": [ "是,本人同意 MOHG 的数据隐私条款。" ], "adultsAgeLabel": "13 years or older", "childrenAgeLabel": "Under 13 years old", "datesNotAvailableMessage": "", "datesNotAvailablePhone": "", "id": "28043", "propertyRegion": "亚太地区", "currency": { "fullName": "Hong Kong dollar", "symbol": "$", "isoCode": "HKD", "enable": true }, "alertEnabled": false, "alertBackgroundColor": "#8E6919", "alertTextColor": "#FFFFFF", "alertLabel": "", "alertLabelButton": "", "alertPanelTitle": "Hotel Alerts", "alerts": [], "country": "China", "state": "", "address": "n.945, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen", "city": "Macau", "postalCode": "", "latitude": "22.184541000", "longitude": "113.547113400", "phone": "+853 8805 8888", "email": "momac-reservations@mohg.com", "liveChat": "https://guests.glowing.io/#/3850dfee-6d95-4641-b1f9-7c33472b38d4", "checkIn": "下午3:00", "checkOut": "中午12:00", "earlyCheckIn": [ "下午2:00", "下午1:00", "中午12:00" ], "lateCheckOut": [ "下午1:00", "下午2:00", "下午3:00", "下午4:00" ] }, { "path": "/sitecore/content/MOHG/Properties/Madrid", "propertyName": "Madrid", "fullHotelName": "Mandarin Oriental Ritz, Madrid", "destinationName": "Madrid", "shortDescription": "An iconic landmark in the heart of Madrid’s ‘Golden Triangle’ Mandarin Oriental Ritz, Madrid combines high style and charm with legendary service.", "propertyLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/madrid-hotel-signature-fan", "mobileLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/content/MandarinOriental/MRMAD%20-%20Madrid/Logos/madrid-hotel-logo-mobile-SVG.svg", "logoAlt": "Mandarin Oriental Ritz, Madrid logo", "propertyImage": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/madrid-facade", "propertyImageAlt": "Exterior of Mandarin Oriental Ritz, Madrid.", "cancelPolicies": "", "welcomeText": "", "mapDirectionUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/Mandarin+Oriental+Ritz,+Madrid/@40.4157577,-3.6947954,710m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m8!3m7!1s0xd42288329bef061:0xb9bba45ac90e2184!5m2!4m1!1i2!8m2!3d40.4157577", "restrictionPolicy": "No penalty charge for bookings cancelled by 3pm the day prior to arrival. After this time or no show, one night stay plus tax will be charged.
A credit card is required at the time of reservation; no charges will be made until check-out.
For Presidential and Royal Suites, one night deposit is required at the time of booking.", "bookingTerms": [ "是,本人同意 MOHG 的数据隐私条款。" ], "adultsAgeLabel": "13 years or older", "childrenAgeLabel": "Under 13 years old", "datesNotAvailableMessage": "", "datesNotAvailablePhone": "", "id": "65443", "propertyRegion": "欧洲", "currency": { "fullName": "Euro", "symbol": "€", "isoCode": "EUR", "enable": true }, "alertEnabled": false, "alertBackgroundColor": "#8E6919", "alertTextColor": "#FFFFFF", "alertLabel": "", "alertLabelButton": "", "alertPanelTitle": "", "alerts": [], "country": "Spain", "state": "", "address": "Plaza de la Lealtad 5", "city": "Madrid", "postalCode": "28014", "latitude": "40.415361000", "longitude": "-3.692758000", "phone": "+34 91 701 67 67", "email": "mrmad-reservations@mohg.com", "liveChat": "https://guests.glowing.io/#/112e205e-22ba-446d-a5bc-ebac59b0fbf4", "checkIn": "15:00", "checkOut": "12:00", "earlyCheckIn": [ "14:00", "13:00", "12:00" ], "lateCheckOut": [ "13:00", "14:00", "15:00", "16:00" ] }, { "path": "/sitecore/content/MOHG/Properties/Marrakech", "propertyName": "Marrakech", "fullHotelName": "Mandarin Oriental, Marrakech", "destinationName": "Marrakech", "shortDescription": "Lying in 20 hectares of fragrant gardens and olive groves, Mandarin Oriental, Marrakech is a five-star luxury resort only minutes from the city centre. With excellent facilities and world-class dining, we offer the ultimate Moroccan escape.", "propertyLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/marrakech-hotel-signature-fan", "mobileLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/content/MandarinOriental/MOMRK%20-%20Marrakech/Logos/marrakech-hotel-logo-SVG-mobile.svg", "logoAlt": "Mandarin Oriental, Marrakech logo", "propertyImage": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/marrakech-hotel-exterior-dusk-01", "propertyImageAlt": "Exterior view of Mandarin Oriental, Marrakech during the day.", "cancelPolicies": "", "welcomeText": "", "mapDirectionUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/Mandarin+Oriental,+Marrakech/@31.6067529,-7.9561678,865m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0xdaff02c9e3d4fa3:0x3f0add3667984970!8m2!3d31.6067483!4d-7.9539791", "restrictionPolicy": "Cancel by noon 7 days prior arrival local time to avoid 100% of full stay charge.
Full stay amount will be charged in case of early departure or no show.
A credit card is required at time of booking including card expiration, no charges will be made until check-out.", "bookingTerms": [ "是,本人同意 MOHG 的数据隐私条款。" ], "adultsAgeLabel": "13 years or older", "childrenAgeLabel": "Under 13 years old", "datesNotAvailableMessage": "", "datesNotAvailablePhone": "", "id": "63639", "propertyRegion": "中东和非洲", "currency": { "fullName": "Euro", "symbol": "€", "isoCode": "EUR", "enable": true }, "alertEnabled": false, "alertBackgroundColor": "#8E6919", "alertTextColor": "#FFFFFF", "alertLabel": "", "alertLabelButton": "", "alertPanelTitle": "", "alerts": [], "country": "Morocco", "state": "", "address": "Route du Golf Royal", "city": "Marrakech", "postalCode": "40 000", "latitude": "31.606827000", "longitude": "-7.953793000", "phone": "+212 5 24 29 88 88 ", "email": "momrk-reservations@mohg.com", "liveChat": "", "checkIn": "15:00", "checkOut": "12:00", "earlyCheckIn": [ "14:00", "13:00", "12:00" ], "lateCheckOut": [ "13:00", "14:00", "15:00", "16:00" ] }, { "path": "/sitecore/content/MOHG/Properties/Miami", "propertyName": "Miami", "fullHotelName": "Mandarin Oriental, Miami", "destinationName": "Miami", "shortDescription": "Surrounded by stunning views, Mandarin Oriental hotel in Miami brings the essence of triple Five-Star luxury to Brickell Key. With private infinity edge pool, four gourmet culinary outlets and an exotic day spa, we offer a taste of Asian serenity in sun-kissed Miami.", "propertyLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/miami-hotel-signature-fan", "mobileLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/content/MandarinOriental/MOMIA%20-%20Miami/Logos/miami-hotel-logo-SVG-mobile.svg", "logoAlt": "Mandarin Oriental, Miami logo", "propertyImage": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/miami-2014-fine-dining-la-mar-terrace-01", "propertyImageAlt": "Terrace at La Mar restaurant in Mandarin Oriental, Miami.", "cancelPolicies": "", "welcomeText": "", "mapDirectionUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/Mandarin+Oriental,+Miami/@25.76503,-80.1873581,914m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x88d9c05f7f77dc45:0xbf83801caaf4716e!8m2!3d25.7650252!4d-80.1851694", "restrictionPolicy": "Rates are subject to 13.0% room tax.
No charge for bookings cancelled by 6pm (local time) the day prior to arrival.
All Suite bookings must cancel 7 days prior to arrival to avoid a one-night cancellation fee.
A credit card is required at time of booking; no charges will be made until check-out.", "bookingTerms": [ "是,本人同意 MOHG 的数据隐私条款。" ], "adultsAgeLabel": "13 years or older", "childrenAgeLabel": "Under 13 years old", "datesNotAvailableMessage": "", "datesNotAvailablePhone": "", "id": "526", "propertyRegion": "美洲", "currency": { "fullName": "United States dollar", "symbol": "$", "isoCode": "USD", "enable": true }, "alertEnabled": false, "alertBackgroundColor": "#8E6919", "alertTextColor": "#FFFFFF", "alertLabel": "", "alertLabelButton": "", "alertPanelTitle": "", "alerts": [], "country": "USA", "state": "Florida", "address": "500 Brickell Key Drive", "city": "Miami", "postalCode": "33131", "latitude": "25.765415000", "longitude": "-80.185622000", "phone": "+1 (305) 913 8288", "email": "momia-reservations@mohg.com", "liveChat": "https://guests.glowing.io/#/9f4b885a-4bfa-46a3-a373-da8ed797955b", "checkIn": "15:00", "checkOut": "12:00", "earlyCheckIn": [ "14:00", "13:00", "12:00" ], "lateCheckOut": [ "13:00", "14:00", "15:00", "16:00" ] }, { "path": "/sitecore/content/MOHG/Properties/Milan", "propertyName": "Milan", "fullHotelName": "Mandarin Oriental, Milan", "destinationName": "Milan", "shortDescription": "Fusing Milanese design with timeless Oriental luxury, Mandarin Oriental, Milan lies in the heart of Italy’s most fashionable city. Occupying four elegant 18th century buildings steps away from La Scala, the hotel offers the perfect combination of comfort, elegance and style.", "propertyLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/milan-hotel-signature-fan", "mobileLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/content/MandarinOriental/MOMLN%20-%20Milan/Logos/milan-hotel-logo-SVG-mobile.svg", "logoAlt": "Mandarin Oriental, Milan logo", "propertyImage": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/milan-fine-dining-seta-courtyard-01", "propertyImageAlt": "Seta courtyard at Mandarin Oriental, Milan.", "cancelPolicies": "", "welcomeText": "", "mapDirectionUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/Mandarin+Oriental,+Milan/@45.4694809,9.1887438,712m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x4786c6b22a2f66f1:0x13385d19a3c0ebab!8m2!3d45.4694772!4d9.1909325", "restrictionPolicy": "Cancellations, changes, or no-show made after 12pm local time for rooms, 4pm 24-hours prior to arrival for suites and 7 days prior arrival for Signature Suites are subject to a one-night cancellation fee, plus tax.
A credit card is required at time of booking. A preauthorization may be taken prior to check-in for guaranteed purposes. In case of no-show, the credit card used at the time of booking will be charged.", "bookingTerms": [ "是,本人同意 MOHG 的数据隐私条款。" ], "adultsAgeLabel": "13 years or older", "childrenAgeLabel": "Under 12 years old", "datesNotAvailableMessage": "", "datesNotAvailablePhone": "", "id": "63638", "propertyRegion": "欧洲", "currency": { "fullName": "Euro", "symbol": "€", "isoCode": "EUR", "enable": true }, "alertEnabled": false, "alertBackgroundColor": "#8E6919", "alertTextColor": "#FFFFFF", "alertLabel": "", "alertLabelButton": "", "alertPanelTitle": "", "alerts": [], "country": "Italy", "state": "", "address": "Via Andegari 9", "city": "Milan", "postalCode": "20121", "latitude": "45.469479000", "longitude": "9.191068000", "phone": "+39 02 8731 8888", "email": "momln-reservations@mohg.com", "liveChat": "https://guests.glowing.io/#/b39f837d-10dc-460f-bc3a-ee1b0792777e", "checkIn": "15:00", "checkOut": "12:00", "earlyCheckIn": [ "14:00", "13:00", "12:00" ], "lateCheckOut": [ "13:00", "14:00", "15:00", "16:00" ] }, { "path": "/sitecore/content/MOHG/Properties/Munich", "propertyName": "Munich", "fullHotelName": "Mandarin Oriental, Munich", "destinationName": "Munich", "shortDescription": "A five-star hotel in the heart of the Old Town, Mandarin Oriental, Munich is a luxury retreat with timeless appeal. Offering an enticing blend of luxury, comfort and style, our extensive facilities, excellent service and beautiful rooms can’t fail to delight.", "propertyLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/munich-hotel-signature-fan", "mobileLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/content/MandarinOriental/MOMUC%20-%20Munich/Logos/munich-hotel-logo-SVG-mobile.svg", "logoAlt": "Mandarin Oriental, Munich logo", "propertyImage": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/munich-2016-hotel-exterior-01", "propertyImageAlt": "Exterior view of Mandarin Oriental, Munich.", "cancelPolicies": "", "welcomeText": "", "mapDirectionUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/Mandarin+Oriental,+Munich/@48.1373028,11.5787516,678m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x479e758bcfce34b3:0x6ff2ed526ccf6583!8m2!3d48.1372992!4d11.5809403", "restrictionPolicy": "Rates include 7% VAT.
No charge for bookings cancelled by 4pm the day prior to arrival.
A credit card is required at time of booking; no charges will be made until check-out unless otherwise stated.", "bookingTerms": [ "是,本人同意 MOHG 的数据隐私条款。" ], "adultsAgeLabel": "13 years or older", "childrenAgeLabel": "Under 13 years old", "datesNotAvailableMessage": "", "datesNotAvailablePhone": "", "id": "525", "propertyRegion": "欧洲", "currency": { "fullName": "Euro", "symbol": "€", "isoCode": "EUR", "enable": true }, "alertEnabled": false, "alertBackgroundColor": "#8E6919", "alertTextColor": "#FFFFFF", "alertLabel": "", "alertLabelButton": "", "alertPanelTitle": "", "alerts": [], "country": "Germany", "state": "", "address": "Neuturmstrasse 1", "city": "Munich", "postalCode": "80331", "latitude": "48.137148000", "longitude": "11.580885000", "phone": "+49 (89) 290 980", "email": "momuc-reservations@mohg.com", "liveChat": "https://guests.glowing.io/#/f23ce22f-8776-43d1-9112-75f48af5eaee", "checkIn": "15:00", "checkOut": "12:00", "earlyCheckIn": [ "14:00", "13:00", "12:00" ], "lateCheckOut": [ "13:00", "14:00", "15:00", "16:00" ] }, { "path": "/sitecore/content/MOHG/Properties/NewYork", "propertyName": "New York", "fullHotelName": "Mandarin Oriental, New York", "destinationName": "New York", "shortDescription": "High above the iconic New York skyline, relax in Five-Star luxury at Mandarin Oriental, New York. Offering a celebrated restaurant and a world-renowned spa, the hotel offers the perfect base from which to explore the Big Apple.", "propertyLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/new-york-hotel-signature-fan", "mobileLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/content/MandarinOriental/MONYC%20-%20New%20York/Logos/new-york-hotel-logo-SVG-mobile.svg", "logoAlt": "Mandarin Oriental, New York logo", "propertyImage": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/new-york-13-exterior-day", "propertyImageAlt": "View of Central Park from the lounge at Mandarin Oriental, New York.", "cancelPolicies": "", "welcomeText": "", "mapDirectionUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/Mandarin+Oriental,+New+York/@40.7688884,-73.9852327,769m/data=!3m3!1e3!4b1!5s0x89c258f620e47093:0xca20f753c6246230!4m5!3m4!1s0x89c258f61de5cd2f:0x510fcbc303f0de9d!8m2!3d40.7688844!4d-73.983044", "restrictionPolicy": "Cancellations or changes made after 6:00pm local time the day before arrival is subject to a hotel fee equal to 1 night stay plus taxes. Taxes equal 14.75% city/state tax plus nightly occupancy tax, which ranges from USD 3.50 to 9.50.
A credit card is required for guarantee at time of booking.", "bookingTerms": [ "是,本人同意 MOHG 的数据隐私条款。" ], "adultsAgeLabel": "13 years or older", "childrenAgeLabel": "Under 13 years old", "datesNotAvailableMessage": "", "datesNotAvailablePhone": "", "id": "532", "propertyRegion": "美洲", "currency": { "fullName": "United States dollar", "symbol": "$", "isoCode": "USD", "enable": true }, "alertEnabled": false, "alertBackgroundColor": "#8E6919", "alertTextColor": "#FFFFFF", "alertLabel": "", "alertLabelButton": "", "alertPanelTitle": "", "alerts": [], "country": "USA", "state": "New York", "address": "80 Columbus Circle", "city": "New York", "postalCode": "10023", "latitude": "40.769008800", "longitude": "-73.983011200", "phone": "+1 (212) 805 8800", "email": "monyc-reservations@mohg.com", "liveChat": "https://guests.glowing.io/#/d56dbbfe-3ca0-48c8-b150-483b250025e7", "checkIn": "15:00", "checkOut": "12:00", "earlyCheckIn": [ "14:00", "13:00", "12:00" ], "lateCheckOut": [ "13:00", "14:00", "15:00", "16:00" ] }, { "path": "/sitecore/content/MOHG/Properties/Paris", "propertyName": "Paris", "fullHotelName": "Mandarin Oriental, Paris", "destinationName": "Paris", "shortDescription": "Situated on Rue Saint-Honoré and just steps from Place Vend?me, Mandarin Oriental, Paris is defined by its beautiful interiors, acclaimed dining by Thierry Marx, a boutique spa and legendary five-star service. The hotel has been awarded the revered ‘Palace’ status, and is therefore officially recognised as one of the ten most exclusive hotels in the French capital.", "propertyLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/paris-hotel-signature-fan", "mobileLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/content/MandarinOriental/MOPAR%20-%20Paris/Logos/paris-hotel-logo-SVG-mobile.svg", "logoAlt": "Mandarin Oriental, Paris logo", "propertyImage": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/paris-exterior-rue-saint-honore-2", "propertyImageAlt": "Exterior view of Mandarin Oriental, Paris.", "cancelPolicies": "", "welcomeText": "", "mapDirectionUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/Mandarin+Oriental,+Paris/@48.8670719,2.3248248,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x47e66e3272ceac65:0x7438d9deec0b099b!8m2!3d48.8670719!4d2.3270135", "restrictionPolicy": "Rates are inclusive of VAT.
A city tax will be added to your daily rate.
No charge for bookings cancelled by 3pm the day prior to arrival.
We reserve the right to take an authorization on the credit card to guarantee the booking.
A credit card is required at time of booking; no charges will be made until check-out.", "bookingTerms": [ "是,本人同意 MOHG 的数据隐私条款。" ], "adultsAgeLabel": "13 years or older", "childrenAgeLabel": "Under 13 years old", "datesNotAvailableMessage": "", "datesNotAvailablePhone": "", "id": "52453", "propertyRegion": "欧洲", "currency": { "fullName": "Euro", "symbol": "€", "isoCode": "EUR", "enable": true }, "alertEnabled": false, "alertBackgroundColor": "#8E6919", "alertTextColor": "#FFFFFF", "alertLabel": "", "alertLabelButton": "", "alertPanelTitle": "", "alerts": [], "country": "France", "state": "", "address": "251 Rue Saint-Honoré", "city": "Paris", "postalCode": "75001", "latitude": "48.867100000", "longitude": "2.327158000", "phone": "+33 (0)1 70 98 78 88", "email": "mopar-reservations@mohg.com", "liveChat": "", "checkIn": "15:00", "checkOut": "12:00", "earlyCheckIn": [ "14:00", "13:00", "12:00" ], "lateCheckOut": [ "13:00", "14:00", "15:00", "16:00" ] }, { "path": "/sitecore/content/MOHG/Properties/Prague", "propertyName": "Prague", "fullHotelName": "Mandarin Oriental, Prague", "destinationName": "Prague", "shortDescription": "Experience our Prague 5 Star hotel in Malá Strana, near Charles Bridge offering luxurious rooms and suites, fine dining, private spa and wedding", "propertyLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/prauge-hotel-signature-fan", "mobileLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/content/MandarinOriental/MOPRG%20-%20Prague/Logos/prague-hotel-logo-SVG-mobile.svg", "logoAlt": "Mandarin Oriental, Prague logo", "propertyImage": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/prague-15-suite-presidential-terrace-day-02", "propertyImageAlt": "Terrace in the Presidential suite at Mandarin Oriental, Prague.", "cancelPolicies": "", "welcomeText": "", "mapDirectionUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/Mandarin+Oriental,+Prague/@50.0850121,14.4031177,651m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x470b94e36ecde5bd:0xa13c0b34c4954022!8m2!3d50.0850087!4d14.4053064", "restrictionPolicy": "Rates are subject to 10% VAT and city tax.
Rates are quoted in EUR but charged in CZK.
Rooms require a 24-hour cancellation notice, by 6pm one day prior to arrival. Signature Suites require a 7-day cancellation notice. Cancellation after this time is subject to a one night cancellation fee.
Rates do not apply for groups.
All reservations must be guaranteed with a valid credit card, or the reservation will be automatically released.", "bookingTerms": [ "是,本人同意 MOHG 的数据隐私条款。" ], "adultsAgeLabel": "13 years or older", "childrenAgeLabel": "Under 13 years old", "datesNotAvailableMessage": "", "datesNotAvailablePhone": "", "id": "639", "propertyRegion": "欧洲", "currency": { "fullName": "Euro", "symbol": "€", "isoCode": "EUR", "enable": true }, "alertEnabled": false, "alertBackgroundColor": "#8E6919", "alertTextColor": "#FFFFFF", "alertLabel": "", "alertLabelButton": "", "alertPanelTitle": "", "alerts": [], "country": "Czech Republic", "state": "", "address": "Nebovidská 459/1, Malá Strana", "city": "Prague", "postalCode": "118 00", "latitude": "50.085378000", "longitude": "14.405401000", "phone": "+420 233 088 888", "email": "moprg-reservations@mohg.com", "liveChat": "https://guests.glowing.io/#/9c0d4eaa-1ae5-4c7f-be1b-da887ea7390b", "checkIn": "15:00", "checkOut": "12:00", "earlyCheckIn": [ "14:00", "13:00", "12:00" ], "lateCheckOut": [ "13:00", "14:00", "15:00", "16:00" ] }, { "path": "/sitecore/content/MOHG/Properties/Riyadh", "propertyName": "Riyadh", "fullHotelName": "Al Faisaliah Hotel, Riyadh", "destinationName": "Riyadh", "shortDescription": "Al Faisaliah Hotel is conveniently located on Olaya Street near King Fahad Road, within a world-class retail and entertainment complex that includes the lavish Al Faisaliah Mall.", "propertyLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/riyadh-hotel-logo-light", "mobileLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/riyadh-hotel-side-logo-light", "logoAlt": "Al Faisaliah Hotel, Riyadh logo", "propertyImage": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/riyadh-exterior-morning-view-apr22", "propertyImageAlt": "Exterior view of Al Faisaliah Hotel, Riyadh.", "cancelPolicies": "", "welcomeText": "", "mapDirectionUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/Al+Faisaliah+Hotel/@24.6903619,46.6819242,17z/data=!4m8!3m7!1s0x3e2f03890d489399:0x5150c28ec6abe1da!5m2!4m1!1i2!8m2!3d24.6903619!4d46.6841129?shorturl=1", "restrictionPolicy": "Rates are subject to 15% Value Added Tax and 5 pct Municipality Fee.
Cancellation must be made by 1500 hours local time one day prior to arrival to avoid one night cancellation fee.
All reservations must be guaranteed by credit card at the time of booking.", "bookingTerms": [ "是,本人同意 MOHG 的数据隐私条款。" ], "adultsAgeLabel": "13 years or older", "childrenAgeLabel": "Under 13 years old", "datesNotAvailableMessage": "", "datesNotAvailablePhone": "", "id": "30797", "propertyRegion": "中东和非洲", "currency": { "fullName": "Saudi riyal", "symbol": "?.?", "isoCode": "SAR", "enable": true }, "alertEnabled": false, "alertBackgroundColor": "#8E6919", "alertTextColor": "#FFFFFF", "alertLabel": "", "alertLabelButton": "", "alertPanelTitle": "", "alerts": [], "country": "Saudi Arabia", "state": "Riyadh", "address": "P.O. Box 4148, King Fahad Rd.", "city": "Olaya", "postalCode": "11491", "latitude": "24.774265000", "longitude": "46.738586000", "phone": "+966 11 273 2000", "email": "moryd-reservations@mohg.com", "liveChat": "", "checkIn": "15:00", "checkOut": "13:00", "earlyCheckIn": [ "14:00", "13:00", "12:00" ], "lateCheckOut": [ "13:00", "14:00", "15:00", "16:00" ] }, { "path": "/sitecore/content/MOHG/Properties/Santiago", "propertyName": "Santiago", "fullHotelName": "Mandarin Oriental, Santiago", "destinationName": "Santiago", "shortDescription": "Considered one of the most luxurious hotels of South America, Mandarin Oriental, Santiago is located in an exclusive district of the Chilean capital - Las Condes, a central area known for commerce and tourism in the city.", "propertyLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/santiago-hotel-signature-fan", "mobileLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/content/MandarinOriental/MOSTG%20-%20Santiago/Logos/santiago-hotel-logo-mobile-SVG.svg", "logoAlt": "Mandarin Oriental, Santiago logo", "propertyImage": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/santiago-exterior-skyline", "propertyImageAlt": "Skyline exterior of Mandarin Oriental, Santiago.", "cancelPolicies": "", "welcomeText": "", "mapDirectionUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/Las+Condes/@-33.4042086,-70.5848291,693m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x9662cf250b11616f:0x40a1a95f9435d7a0!2sAv.+Pdte.+Kennedy+Lateral+4601,+Las+Condes,+Regi%C3%B3n+Metropolitana,+Chile!3b1!8m2!3d-33.4040847!4d-70.5832669!3m4!1s0x9662cf257a40fdd9:0x3922d8534964b1b8!8m2!3d-33.4042086!4d-70.5826404", "restrictionPolicy": "Rates are subject to 19% VAT.
No charge for bookings cancelled by 2pm local time, one day prior to arrival.
A credit card is required at time of booking; no charges will be made until check-out.", "bookingTerms": [ "是,本人同意 MOHG 的数据隐私条款。" ], "adultsAgeLabel": "13 years or older", "childrenAgeLabel": "Under 13 years old", "datesNotAvailableMessage": "", "datesNotAvailablePhone": "", "id": "78149", "propertyRegion": "美洲", "currency": { "fullName": "United States dollar", "symbol": "$", "isoCode": "USD", "enable": true }, "alertEnabled": false, "alertBackgroundColor": "#8E6919", "alertTextColor": "#FFFFFF", "alertLabel": "", "alertLabelButton": "", "alertPanelTitle": "", "alerts": [], "country": "Chile", "state": "Santiago", "address": "Presidente Kennedy Avenue 4601", "city": "Las Condes", "postalCode": "756 0994", "latitude": "-33.403870000", "longitude": "-70.582998000", "phone": "+56 2 2950 3088", "email": "mostg-reservations@mohg.com", "liveChat": "https://guests.glowing.io/#/2a374f76-ec25-4b53-a0ca-37e729e12550", "checkIn": "15:00", "checkOut": "12:00", "earlyCheckIn": [ "14:00", "13:00", "12:00" ], "lateCheckOut": [ "13:00", "14:00", "15:00", "16:00" ] }, { "path": "/sitecore/content/MOHG/Properties/Sanya", "propertyName": "三亚", "fullHotelName": "三亚珊瑚湾文华东方酒店", "destinationName": "三亚", "shortDescription": "三亚珊瑚湾文华东方酒店将现代化的时尚设计与轻松恬适的海滩风情巧妙融合。酒店全年气候温暖宜人并配备豪华酒店设施,欢迎您入住体验,在私密海滩上欣赏壮观迷人的海滩景观。", "propertyLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/sanya-hotel-signature-fan", "mobileLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/content/MandarinOriental/MOSAN%20-%20Sanya/Logos/sanya-hotel-logo-SVG-mobile.svg", "logoAlt": "三亚珊瑚湾文华东方酒店标志", "propertyImage": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/sanya-exterior-3", "propertyImageAlt": "三亚珊瑚湾文华东方酒店外部景观。", "cancelPolicies": "", "welcomeText": "", "mapDirectionUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/Mandarin+Oriental,+Sanya/@18.2129011,109.53526,476m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m8!1m2!2m1!1sMandarin+Oriental,+Sanya!3m4!1s0x31454b1adb8522b1:0xf5e82ebeaa190f09!8m2!3d18.2132279!4d109.5372052", "restrictionPolicy": "房价另加收16.6% 服务费及税金。
\r 最晚于抵达前1天下午6:00取消预订无需支付取消费用。
\r 宾客在预订时须提供一张有效的信用卡作为担保;办理退房前,酒店不会收取任何费用。", "bookingTerms": [ "MOHG 将根据其隐私政策处理您的个人数据。您同意该类使用。", "MOHG 将根据其隐私政策将您的个人数据传输至第三方。您同意该类共享。", "MOHG 将根据其隐私政策将您的个人数据传输至中华人民共和国境外的第三方。您同意该类传输。" ], "adultsAgeLabel": "13 years or older", "childrenAgeLabel": "Under 13 years old", "datesNotAvailableMessage": "", "datesNotAvailablePhone": "", "id": "648", "propertyRegion": "亚太地区", "currency": { "fullName": "Chinese yuan", "symbol": "¥", "isoCode": "CNY", "enable": true }, "alertEnabled": false, "alertBackgroundColor": "#8E6919", "alertTextColor": "#FFFFFF", "alertLabel": "", "alertLabelButton": "", "alertPanelTitle": "Hotel Alerts", "alerts": [], "country": "China", "state": "", "address": "12 Yuhai Road, Sanya", "city": "Hainan", "postalCode": "572000", "latitude": "18.212868000", "longitude": "109.536698000", "phone": "+86 (898) 8820 9999", "email": "mosan-reservations@mohg.com", "liveChat": "", "checkIn": "下午3:00", "checkOut": "中午12:00", "earlyCheckIn": [ "下午2:00", "下午1:00", "中午12:00" ], "lateCheckOut": [ "下午1:00", "下午2:00", "下午3:00", "下午4:00" ] }, { "path": "/sitecore/content/MOHG/Properties/Shanghai", "propertyName": "上海", "fullHotelName": "上海浦东文华东方酒店", "destinationName": "上海", "shortDescription": "酒店位于浦东陆家嘴金融区中心黄埔江畔,将时尚风范、舒适和贴心服务集于一身。", "propertyLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/shanghai-hotel-signature-fan", "mobileLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/content/MandarinOriental/MOPUD%20-%20Shanghai/Logos/shanghai-hotel-logo-SVG-mobile.svg", "logoAlt": "上海浦东文华东方酒店标志", "propertyImage": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/shanghai-exterior-dusk", "propertyImageAlt": "黄昏时分上海浦东文华东方酒店外部景观。", "cancelPolicies": "", "welcomeText": "", "mapDirectionUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/Mandarin+Oriental+Pudong,+Shanghai/@31.2435786,121.5051593,868m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x35b270bcdee3cf7d:0x9359e7242f1c22a9!8m2!3d31.243574!4d121.507348", "restrictionPolicy": "房价另加收16.6% 服务费及税金。
\r 最晚于抵达前1天下午6:00取消预订无需支付取消费用。此外,将需支付1晚房费。
\r 宾客在预订时须提供一张有效的信用卡作为担保;办理退房前,酒店不会收取任何费用。", "bookingTerms": [ "MOHG 将根据其隐私政策处理您的个人数据。您同意该类使用。", "MOHG 将根据其隐私政策将您的个人数据传输至第三方。您同意该类共享。", "MOHG 将根据其隐私政策将您的个人数据传输至中华人民共和国境外的第三方。您同意该类传输。" ], "adultsAgeLabel": "13 years or older", "childrenAgeLabel": "Under 13 years old", "datesNotAvailableMessage": "", "datesNotAvailablePhone": "", "id": "58160", "propertyRegion": "亚太地区", "currency": { "fullName": "Chinese yuan", "symbol": "¥", "isoCode": "CNY", "enable": true }, "alertEnabled": false, "alertBackgroundColor": "#8E6919", "alertTextColor": "#FFFFFF", "alertLabel": "", "alertLabelButton": "", "alertPanelTitle": "Hotel Alerts", "alerts": [], "country": "China", "state": "", "address": "111 Pudong Road (S), Pudong", "city": "Shanghai", "postalCode": "200120", "latitude": "31.243605000", "longitude": "121.507282000", "phone": "+86 (21) 2082 9888", "email": "mopud-reservations@mohg.com", "liveChat": "", "checkIn": "下午3:00", "checkOut": "中午12:00", "earlyCheckIn": [ "下午2:00", "下午1:00", "中午12:00" ], "lateCheckOut": [ "下午1:00", "下午2:00", "下午3:00", "下午4:00" ] }, { "path": "/sitecore/content/MOHG/Properties/Shenzhen", "propertyName": "深圳", "fullHotelName": "深圳文华东方酒店", "destinationName": "深圳", "shortDescription": "深圳文华东方酒店分布于深业上城高层建筑的67至79层,地理位置便利,坐拥迷人的城市景观。", "propertyLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/shenzhen-hotel-signature-fan", "mobileLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/shenzhen-hotel-side-logo-light", "logoAlt": "深圳文华东方酒店标志", "propertyImage": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/shenzhen-exterior-park", "propertyImageAlt": "深圳文华东方酒店外部景观。", "cancelPolicies": "", "welcomeText": "", "mapDirectionUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/UpperHills+Tower+1/@22.5567316,114.0697775,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x3403f4682f8eedf9:0x6c76f50970154082!8m2!3d22.5567254!4d114.0721821?shorturl=1", "restrictionPolicy": "房价另加收16.6% 服务费及税金。
\r 抵达前1天下午6:00之前取消客房预订,以及抵达前3天取消套房预订,均无需支付1晚取消费用。
\r 预订时需要使用信用卡。
\r 登记入住时需使用现金或信用卡支付定金。", "bookingTerms": [ "MOHG 将根据其隐私政策处理您的个人数据。您同意该类使用。", "MOHG 将根据其隐私政策将您的个人数据传输至第三方。您同意该类共享。", "MOHG 将根据其隐私政策将您的个人数据传输至中华人民共和国境外的第三方。您同意该类传输。" ], "adultsAgeLabel": "13 years or older", "childrenAgeLabel": "Under 13 years old", "datesNotAvailableMessage": "", "datesNotAvailablePhone": "", "id": "36052", "propertyRegion": "亚太地区", "currency": { "fullName": "Chinese yuan", "symbol": "¥", "isoCode": "CNY", "enable": true }, "alertEnabled": false, "alertBackgroundColor": "#8E6919", "alertTextColor": "#FFFFFF", "alertLabel": "", "alertLabelButton": "", "alertPanelTitle": "Hotel Alerts", "alerts": [], "country": "China", "state": "", "address": "Block A UpperHills, No. 5001 Huanggang Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China", "city": "", "postalCode": "", "latitude": "22.556850518", "longitude": "114.072191508", "phone": "+86 (755) 8802 6888", "email": "moszn-reservations@mohg.com", "liveChat": "", "checkIn": "下午3:00", "checkOut": "中午12:00", "earlyCheckIn": [ "下午2:00", "下午1:00", "中午12:00" ], "lateCheckOut": [ "下午1:00", "下午2:00", "下午3:00", "下午4:00" ] }, { "path": "/sitecore/content/MOHG/Properties/Singapore", "propertyName": "新加坡", "fullHotelName": "新加坡文华东方酒店", "destinationName": "新加坡", "shortDescription": "新加坡文华东方酒店造型彷如文华东方的折扇标志,是滨海湾上的一座豪华酒店。我们酒店距离中央商务区仅几分钟路程,内设优质餐厅和迷人客房,是远离城市喧嚣的理想休憩之所。", "propertyLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/singapore-hotel-signature-fan", "mobileLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/content/MandarinOriental/MOSIN%20-%20Singapore/Logos/singapore-hotel-logo-SVG-mobile.svg", "logoAlt": "新加坡文华东方酒店标志", "propertyImage": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/singapore-exterior-hotel-1", "propertyImageAlt": "傍晚时分的新加坡文华东方酒店外部景观。", "cancelPolicies": "", "welcomeText": "", "mapDirectionUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/Mandarin+Oriental,+Singapore/@1.2906289,103.8560871,1015m/data=!3m3!1e3!4b1!5s0x31da19a8f37be3f1:0xc77b3af91350f347!4m5!3m4!1s0x31da19a860b5b6b7:0x2030f2353a974ed5!8m2!3d1.2906235!4d103.8582758", "restrictionPolicy": "价格不含10% 的服务费以及现行政府税。
\r 最晚于抵达前2日的下午2:00取消预订无需支付取消费用。
\r 宾客在预订时须提供一张有效的信用卡作为担保;办理退房前,酒店不会收取任何费用。
\r 儿童是指12岁及以下的宾客。", "bookingTerms": [ "是,本人同意 MOHG 的数据隐私条款。" ], "adultsAgeLabel": "13 years or older", "childrenAgeLabel": "Under 13 years old", "datesNotAvailableMessage": "", "datesNotAvailablePhone": "", "id": "509", "propertyRegion": "亚太地区", "currency": { "fullName": "Singapore dollar", "symbol": "$", "isoCode": "SGD", "enable": true }, "alertEnabled": false, "alertBackgroundColor": "#8E6919", "alertTextColor": "#FFFFFF", "alertLabel": "", "alertLabelButton": "", "alertPanelTitle": "Hotel Alerts", "alerts": [], "country": "Singapore", "state": "", "address": "5 Raffles Avenue, Marina Square", "city": "", "postalCode": "039797", "latitude": "1.290491800", "longitude": "103.856069100", "phone": "+65 6338 0066", "email": "mosin-reservations@mohg.com", "liveChat": "https://guests.glowing.io/#/eb4bf899-6284-4a09-b82a-18b7e5e40a3b", "checkIn": "下午3:00", "checkOut": "中午12:00", "earlyCheckIn": [ "下午2:00", "下午1:00", "中午12:00" ], "lateCheckOut": [ "下午1:00", "下午2:00", "下午3:00", "下午4:00" ] }, { "path": "/sitecore/content/MOHG/Properties/Taipei", "propertyName": "台北", "fullHotelName": "台北文华东方酒店", "destinationName": "台北", "shortDescription": "台北文华东方酒店是城市中心地段的福布斯五星度假之选,为奢华酒店设立了新的标杆。精致的设计、精美的餐厅和台湾空间宽绰的酒店内水疗中心,带来令人难忘的入住体验。", "propertyLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/taipei-hotel-signature-fan", "mobileLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/content/MandarinOriental/MOTPE%20-%20Taipei/Logos/taipei-hotel-logo-SVG-mobile.svg", "logoAlt": "台北文华东方酒店标志", "propertyImage": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/taipei-exterior-dusk-01", "propertyImageAlt": "黄昏时分台北文华东方酒店外部景观。", "cancelPolicies": "", "welcomeText": "", "mapDirectionUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/Mandarin+Oriental,+Taipei/@25.0558058,121.5461603,920m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x3442abe619567959:0x5ca150e7d0fc4834!8m2!3d25.055801!4d121.548349", "restrictionPolicy": "房价另加收15.5% 服务费及税金。
\r 抵达前1天当地时间下午3:00取消预订无需支付取消费用。
\r 宾客在预订时须提供一张有效的信用卡作为担保。", "bookingTerms": [ "是,本人同意 MOHG 的数据隐私条款。" ], "adultsAgeLabel": "12 years or older", "childrenAgeLabel": "Under 12 years old", "datesNotAvailableMessage": "", "datesNotAvailablePhone": "", "id": "59555", "propertyRegion": "亚太地区", "currency": { "fullName": "New Taiwan dollar", "symbol": "$", "isoCode": "TWD", "enable": true }, "alertEnabled": false, "alertBackgroundColor": "#8E6919", "alertTextColor": "#FFFFFF", "alertLabel": "", "alertLabelButton": "", "alertPanelTitle": "Hotel Alerts", "alerts": [], "country": "", "state": "", "address": "No. 158 Dunhua North Road", "city": "Taipei", "postalCode": "10548", "latitude": "25.055728000", "longitude": "121.548015000", "phone": "+886 2 2715 6888", "email": "motpe-sales@mohg.com", "liveChat": "", "checkIn": "15:00", "checkOut": "12:00", "earlyCheckIn": [ "14:00", "13:00", "12:00" ], "lateCheckOut": [ "13:00", "14:00", "15:00", "16:00" ] }, { "path": "/sitecore/content/MOHG/Properties/Tokyo", "propertyName": "东京", "fullHotelName": "东京文华东方酒店", "destinationName": "东京", "shortDescription": "东京文华东方酒店位于日本桥,地理位置十分便利。欢迎您下榻我们的豪华酒店,领略叹为观止的壮美景观。酒店洋溢着轻快明朗、现代时尚的气息,提供出众的科技设施、闻名的水疗中心、新颖的餐厅和周到体贴的服务。", "propertyLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/tokyo-hotel-signature-fan", "mobileLogo": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/content/MandarinOriental/MOTYO%20-%20Tokyo/Logos/tokyo-hotel-logo-SVG-mobile.svg", "logoAlt": "东京文华东方酒店标志", "propertyImage": "https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/image/MandarinOriental/tokyo-5-star-east-lobby-01-landscape", "propertyImageAlt": "东京文华东方酒店大堂。", "cancelPolicies": "", "welcomeText": "", "mapDirectionUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/Mandarin+Oriental,+Tokyo/@35.6870518,139.7708747,825m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x601889557c55cddb:0x42a36e66867fa461!8m2!3d35.6870475!4d139.7730634", "restrictionPolicy": "最晚于抵达前1天下午3:00之前取消客房预订,或抵达前3天取消套房预订,均无需支付取消费用。此外,将需支付1晚房费以及税费。请注意,取消政策不适用于特定日期或客房套餐。
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\r 您知悉 MOHG 可能会出于分析和相关营销活动之目的,对您的个人信息进行匿名化处理。您还承认并同意,MOHG 将与其全球公司网络和协助 MOHG 管理您个人信息的服务提供商分享您的个人信息,您的个人信息可能会被传输至您居住国/地以外(包括欧盟/欧洲经济区外)的其他国家/地区并在该等国家/地区进行处理和存储。您有权通过发送电子邮件至 dataprivacyofficer@mohg.com,联系 MOHG 随时要求获取您个人信息的副本或要求行使个人信息可携权,和/或要求改正、拒绝处理和/或删除您的个人信息,并且您也有权向当地监管当局投诉。", "TermsTitle": "适用于尚扇荟 (Fans of M.O.) 会员的一般条款和细则以及隐私政策。", "SignInCta": "立即加入", "AgreeCommunications": "MOHG 希望通过电子邮件和直邮向您提供与 MOHG 相关产品和服务(如酒店、公寓、旅行、活动、礼宾服务、水疗、餐饮)有关的资讯和促销。您可以随时取消订阅。您同意该类使用。", "AgreeSensitiveData": "MOHG 和所有者希望确保您在当前和未来入住 MOHG 所管理酒店期间均能获享贴心服务。因此,我们希望能使用和保留您有关任何食物过敏、医疗状况和其他相关敏感数据的个人信息,以确保您在当前和未来入住和体验期间能安全舒适地享受我们的热情服务。您同意该类使用。", "ReturnToUrl": "/zh-cn/fans-of-mo/dashboard", "StayConnectedTitle": "尊享文华东方服务", "StayConnectedDescription": "率先了解会员专享的优惠和活动、您钟爱的文华东方酒店、餐厅和水疗中心的精心推荐,以及如何使用您的尚扇荟 (Fans of M.O.)会籍获得非凡享受。" }, "fansJoin": { "Title": "加入尚扇荟 (Fans of M.O.)", "SubTitle": "加入尚扇荟 (Fans of M.O.),尊享更快速预订、免费无线网络及会员专属优惠。在线预订时,您可以选择两项附加礼遇,如:", "Benefits": [ { "IconUrl": 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